Stone, turning, planetary, kodak, slide projector, turning, artwork, turning stones, slow, viewer


This work consists of 80 slides and a Kodak S-AV 2000 projector. The carousel goes round in a continuous loop, with an interval of 2 minutes per photograph. The entire runtime is approximately 160 minutes, after which the loop starts over again.

The slides keep showing a single stone, which lies in between a few branches and some fallen leaves. At first glance, the photos don’t seem to differ much from each other at all. But the person who keeps looking long enough might see something happening.

Related: ‘Concealment’ / ‘Jaumâtres’


‘Revolve’ - 2021

80 Fujichrome Velvia 100 slides. Kodak Caroussel S-AV 2000

Duration: 02:40:00